Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bike Rider!

Look who can ride a bike now!

He did it for the first time on Monday, and now we can't get him off of it. :)


  1. Hey! Look at him go! Now you'll need to make him some cycling togs so he'll look good when he's training to be the next Lance Armstrong. Jalie makes a good looking jersey pattern and one of the yahoo co-ops is running a good deal on MM Power Dry and Power Stretch ;-)

  2. Hi Linda! The new cat house is awesome...and you are right that those lions, tiger, and other big cats come awfully close to you. Sofie was a little apprehensive about them!! Can you believe the weather yesterday? I head snow is in the forecast later in the week though. Bummer!!!

  3. YAY! Go Calvin! I'm heading to Milwaukee again in April. I hope I get a chance to stop and visit with you all.
