Thursday, June 10, 2010

Vogue 7488

Caleb's 8th grade promotion ceremony was last night, and here is his waistcoat. He picked Vogue 7488; I made a size M. I was to make a suit as well, but we decided it would be too hot to wear, plus probably wouldn't fit him come winter anyway. So, I'm going to take that wool and either make a suit for him for fall/winter, or I might find a topcoat pattern, as he wants a formal coat. (sometimes I think aliens have taken my real son)

Modifications I made were to cut the back out of the fashion fabric (the pattern calls for the back to be made from lining), I eliminated the back belt, and all four pockets are functional (top two are faux according to the pattern. I do my pockets like this). He was very pleased with how this turned out.

I don't really like finishing vests this way, preferring instead to stitch the shoulders and armholes completely by machine, turning through the lining side seam. However, there is no back collar on this (! I didn't like that part), so I had to do the armholes according to the directions, which meant hand stitching the back shoulder lining over the seam.

There is a nice split at the side seams.

The front inside has a hem facing. There is also a small pleat where the lining meets the facing -- it's not really needed, IMO. I'd eliminate that next time.

My boy is in high school now!

Full review for this pattern is here, at Pattern Review. I've entered it in the Sewing for Men contest.


  1. Congratulations! Not only is he a high schooler but he's now taller than you too! As someone who has been where you're standing now...hold on because life is going to start rushing by you!!!

    The vest is perfect and he looks so good in it!

  2. A topcoat. Well, at least you know that you've raised a child (young man) that doesn't seek to conform to his peers. Go mom!

    Great looking vest BTW.

  3. Fantastic work! Can't believe how much our kids have changed over the years ... My oldest just turned 12!

  4. My Ryan just finished 8th grade, too. Weren't they just babies last week or something? Great vest you made for Caleb.
