Last night was Calvin's third gymnastics meet this season. For the first time, he won a medal in each event, for a total of five medals! (I'm not really sure how they decided how many medals to award in each event, but it has something to do with the # of gymnasts in each level). Here are the videos:
First, he started on the floor, and placed third, with a score of 8.85:
Next, the beam, with a score of 9.15 and second place:
Then bars, with a score of 8.95 and fourth place:
Lastly, the vault, with a score of 9.6 and first place:
(He always looks so darn serious during gymnastics!) Calvin also won the All Around medal, with a total score of 36.55. Some of these scores for the events were so close, only separated by .05 in some cases. It showed the kids how important each aspect of a routine is, such as pointed toes, keeping legs together and straight, and not touching your uniform or hair (did you know? that's a deduction during a routine!).
These gymnastics meet posts are starting to all look the same. :)