Connor is 18 months old now, and I swear the nighttime needs of 18 month olds are as intense as newborns (we've had a few rough nights lately). Different, but just as demanding. I remember both of my other two sons being quite needy around 18 months, and I think it's because a big developmental jump happens. Connor is starting to talk, and has a pretty good repetoire of words:
mama -- me, obviously. I was meema for a while.
daddo -- David (daddo started with Caleb. I don't know how it happened, because we always said papa, but then one day Caleb called him daddo, and it stuck)
mao-mao -- any stuffed animal, usually his blue dog Max.
ki-ki -- the cat
ojo (pronounced as if in spanish) -- dogs, usually our dog Sonja
ma-moh -- I think this means he wants to nurse, but I'm not sure yet.
ba-ba -- ball
mine! -- self-explanatory
nana -- banana
ah-po -- apple or any other fruit that isn't a banana
hoT! (always whispered, emphasis on the T) - hot
ay-yigh -- light
na-nigh -- good night
It's hard to spell some of these phonetically. He says more words that I thought! There are other things he says, but we haven't figured them out yet.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006

So, be forewarned: If you are ever visiting us and cut yourself, we'll be heading down to the basement to figure out your blood type.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Design Wall

The quilt blocks stick nicely to the fuzzy surface, I can rearrange and step back and see the whole quilt easily, and when the time comes for stitching the blocks together, I'll just take a row down, stitch it together, and then stick it back up. I won't have to think too much about which block is getting stitched to which. Also, a design wall is in no way limited to only quilting. If I was making a garment, I might use a design wall to try out trims, combine fabrics, test different techniques, anything new I wanted to try and let mull about for a while before committing.

(as always, click on any picture to see it full size)
(Calvin has recently discovered how to use the video camera, so now he 'videos' everything all the time. It's quite fun to watch his movies, but the commentary is even better!)
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
I'm still working on my quilt (hopefully will have some pictures for you this weekend). In the meantime, I'm nicking this idea from Beki.
Four Jobs I've Had
- swim instructor
- medical secretary
- salesclerk at Victoria's Secret
- dressmaker
Four Movies I'd Watch Again (and again)
- The Thomas Crown Affair
- Amadeus
- any James Bond movie
- Big Fish
Four Places I Have Lived
- Long Beach, California
- Scottsdale, Arizona
- Des Moines, Iowa
- Chicago, Illinois
Four Places I Have Vacationed
- Estes Park, Colorado
- Lucern, Switzerland
- Salzburg and Vienna, Austria
- all over Mexico
Four of My Favorite Dishes
- Caesar Salad
- machacado con huevo, arroz, frijoles y tortillas de maiz
- steak, baked potato and green beans
- broccoli cheese soup
Four TV Shows I Love
- Alias
- Millenium
- NFL Football (ok, it's not really a show, but I like watching)
Four Albums I Can't Live Without
- Soundtrack to Tomb Raider
- Soundtrack to The Saint
- Soundtrack to Hackers
- Message in a Box, The Police (cheating here as this is a 4 CD set)
This was really hard to narrow down. Everything and more are on my iPod, so I always have any genre I'm in the mood for at my fingertips!
Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now
- someplace warm and sunny.
- at the spa having some decadent body treatment
- at my sewing machine
- having a cozy dinner with David
Four Jobs I've Had
- swim instructor
- medical secretary
- salesclerk at Victoria's Secret
- dressmaker
Four Movies I'd Watch Again (and again)
- The Thomas Crown Affair
- Amadeus
- any James Bond movie
- Big Fish
Four Places I Have Lived
- Long Beach, California
- Scottsdale, Arizona
- Des Moines, Iowa
- Chicago, Illinois
Four Places I Have Vacationed
- Estes Park, Colorado
- Lucern, Switzerland
- Salzburg and Vienna, Austria
- all over Mexico
Four of My Favorite Dishes
- Caesar Salad
- machacado con huevo, arroz, frijoles y tortillas de maiz
- steak, baked potato and green beans
- broccoli cheese soup
Four TV Shows I Love
- Alias
- Millenium
- NFL Football (ok, it's not really a show, but I like watching)
Four Albums I Can't Live Without
- Soundtrack to Tomb Raider
- Soundtrack to The Saint
- Soundtrack to Hackers
- Message in a Box, The Police (cheating here as this is a 4 CD set)
This was really hard to narrow down. Everything and more are on my iPod, so I always have any genre I'm in the mood for at my fingertips!
Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now
- someplace warm and sunny.
- at the spa having some decadent body treatment
- at my sewing machine
- having a cozy dinner with David
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Quilt Class

It's been really fun. Basically, we are stacking 5 different fabrics, cutting them randomly 4 times, then moving the top center fabric to the bottom. Then you sew the pieces back together. True the square, but make it crooked, then add a 3rd fabric all around. True the square again (also crooked), and you have finished 1 block.

(I started this post on the 15th, didn't publish it until the 20th. Class is tonight, and I need to get those blocks done!)
Alternate uses
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Nappy Bag #2

In other news, I went running with the girls today and ran about 4 miles. Go me!!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Arroz Mexicana
(this is especially for Susan)
Click on any picture to see the full size
1 C rice, uncooked
chopped garlic
2 C chicken stock or 2 C water and 2 chicken boullion cubes
4 oz tomato sauce
1 small diced tomato, if desired
frozen peas or corn, if desired
1. In a medium skillet, heat oil. Add uncooked rice, and saute until rice is golden. Be patient, but pay attention -- it takes a while for the rice to cook, but once it starts to brown, it can burn pretty quickly. Add the garlic just at the end.
2. Add the stock or water/boullion, tomato sauce, pepper, and diced tomato (if desired). Stir, bring to a boil. Cover and reduce to a simmer until all liquid is absorbed.
3. If adding frozen peas or corn, add them when almost all the liquid is absorbed, so they don't get so mushy. Once the liquid is gone, give the rice a stir and serve. This is really good served with fajitas and frijoles a la charra (I'll post that recipe another time), or in bean and rice quesadillas.
Some very satisfied customers. :)
Click on any picture to see the full size
1 C rice, uncooked
chopped garlic
2 C chicken stock or 2 C water and 2 chicken boullion cubes
4 oz tomato sauce
1 small diced tomato, if desired
frozen peas or corn, if desired

Monday, February 06, 2006
Baby Quilt #2

Friday, February 03, 2006
Six lousy pounds
I generally try to weigh myself on Fridays. Since Thanksgiving, I've gained six stinkin' pounds. Gah. I really can't complain -- last year at this time, I probably weighed almost 140. I lost 20 pounds last year, making my original goal of 130 by my brother's wedding in May, and then losing another 11 by the end of summer. More important than the weight loss, I feel great. I feel really strong and fit. In all honesty, I think the six pounds are partly muscle gain.
Still, I sometimes feel a little down when I see the scale say 125.2 (this morning) when it was saying 119.6 for a few months. I need to get over that, quick! I also need to stop snacking!
On a somewhat health related note, I'm planning to do the Danskin Triathlon this summer. My friend Susan loaned me a book yesterday on triathlon training, and I rode my bike (with middle C and little C in the Burley) yesterday. I might even go running with the girls on Saturday morning!
Still, I sometimes feel a little down when I see the scale say 125.2 (this morning) when it was saying 119.6 for a few months. I need to get over that, quick! I also need to stop snacking!
On a somewhat health related note, I'm planning to do the Danskin Triathlon this summer. My friend Susan loaned me a book yesterday on triathlon training, and I rode my bike (with middle C and little C in the Burley) yesterday. I might even go running with the girls on Saturday morning!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Another new knitter
We have another knitter in the house! Calvin saw Caleb working on his KK hat, and I was working on Connor's sweater, and he wanted to know when could he learn. I told him he could knit a hat for his teddy bear, using the blue KK loom, and he took to it like a duck to water!
We worked it out that I wrap the pegs, as he had a really hard time with that, and he uses the hook to flip the loops over. He does really well, and got 3 rounds knit last night before bed. His teddy should have a new hat by the weekend.

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