Friday, May 26, 2006

Stash Enhancement

Today was the last day that my favorite fabric shop, The Cutting Table, was open. :(

Last week the boys and I went when everything was 60% off. All of these except for the asian print are going to become boxers for Calvin. He picked the brown flannel himself. The minimum cut allowed was 1 yard (I only need 3/8-1/2 yd for boxers) so I might try and come up with some sort of cowboy quilt with the leftovers. The asian print had 4 yards left on the bolt, so I took the whole thing (natch!). It'll probably become the back of a quilt. All in all, I got 12 yards of fabric for $39.

My mom called me on Tuesday to see if I wanted to go back and check things out, at 70% off. Go to a fabric store? Don't have to ask me twice! Actually, it was pretty picked over, and I only found these pieces. The red/black print was tucked in with the 30s prints, and I bought the whole bolt (4.375 yds). I'll find something for it, it's kinda cute. Calvin picked the soccer players for another pair of boxers, and the FQ is just plain cool looking. I only spent $16 this time. I will miss the shop so very much, and am really sad to see it closing. I did my best to keep them in business, trust me. ;)

I hope to get in my sewing room this weekend, to at least get the next pair of boxer shorts for Calvin made (I'm going to try a size 4, to have more grow room). Lots of yard work on the schedule too, plus a trip to Chicago for a baby shower.

ack! I see I just broke 100 yards 'in'!

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