Click on any picture to see it full sizeThis is our traditional birthday cake for both Caleb and me (Calvin takes after his father and prefers chocolate). He usually gets raspberry, I usually get strawberry. It's a great summer cake, as it's 'no-bake', and very refreshing to eat. My mother made this cake for my very first birthday, and I've pretty much had it ever since. :)
1 pkg flavored gelatin (usually same flavor as frozen fruit)
1 c hot water
1 10 oz pkg frozen fruit
1/2 pint whipping cream (the kind you have to whip yourself)
powdered sugar and vanilla to taste, if desired
1/2 angel food cake, torn into bite size pieces

In a small bowl, dissolve gelatin into hot water. Add frozen fruit, and place in refrigerator until congealed.

Once gelatin mixture is congealed, whip whipping cream until fairly stiff, adding a bit of powdered sugar and vanilla if desired.

Add gelatin mixture and mix just slightly. You want sections of just gelatin and sections of just whipped cream.

Add torn up angel food cake and mix to coat.

Pour into 8x8 pan (or, if you are like me and have broken your pan and keep forgetting to buy a new one, use a pie plate), cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours. Serve garnished with whipped cream and fresh fruit.
Don't forget to lick the bowl! :)
Usually I match the gelatin flavor to the frozen fruit, however, I have made it strawberry/raspberry (or vice versa), and strawberry kiwi (strawberry/kiwi gelatin, frozen strawberries, garnished with sliced kiwi). You can easily double this recipe and then pour it into a bundt pan. Unmold and serve right away, though, because as it warms to room temperature, it starts to 'melt'.

It's almost always a big hit with the kids. :)