Happy Easter everyone!

We colored eggs last night. I wasn't sure how Connor would do, but he figured it out right away, and made a lovely blue egg. We experimented by decorating some of the eggs beforehand with white crayon and white pencil, thinking they would act as a resist. The crayon did, the pencil not so much.

Then we decorated plastic eggs with stickers. I was surprised with how much the boys liked doing this. I helped Connor do his eggs -- he'd pick the stickers and tell me where to put them. He tried sticking them on by himself at first, but he couldn't get the stickers off of his fingers and onto his eggs!

Our lovely dyed eggs -- we did a dozen. Next year I might even do more, as I love how they look on the table, and we love boiled eggs.

My mom brought Easter baskets for the boys. They were filled with all sorts of fun goodies: games, play-doh, candy. She also got each of them a bright beach towel with their name embroidered on it. Those will be fantastic for beach days this summer.

Connor had a lot of fun with his basket. I had filled a bunch of plastic eggs to do a little egg hunt in the house this afternoon, but after our gastronomical journey, I didn't even bother getting them out. Maybe we'll do them later in the week.

After supper (ham, garlic mashed potatoes, 7 layer salad, fresh green beans), we had fun playing with a chocolate fountain. My mom bought this in anticipation for our annual Epiphany party for next year, but we had to take it on a test run. :) We dipped marshmallows (very good), strawberries (ruins a perfectly good strawberry, IMO), bananas (yuk, I don't like bananas more than I don't like chocolate), and pineapple (surprisingly I liked this). Somehow, Calvin managed to get chocolate on his back . Now that takes talent!

We ended our evening with a 'Family Fun Night' of games. We've been trying to do this every 2-3 weeks, taking turns between our house, my friend Beth, and my mom. Tonight we played
The Game of Life,
Scattegories, and
Cranium Cadoo. (and yes, Calvin is climbing in the doorway behind me, and does that all the time)
1 comment:
It looks like you all had a wonderful Easter!
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