I went to State Fair judging today, after my dentist appointment. Judging started at 10:00 this morning, and I got there around 10:30. I missed watching 2 of my entries get judged, but found out results from some of the ladies there.
Class 3 -- fabric baptismal outfit: my nephew's
christening gown.
First place! I missed watching this one, so I don't know what the judge said about it. (darnit! I really wanted to know what they thought)
Class 31 -- one piece garment of stretch fabric: Vogue 8379,
pictured in the post below.
First place! They judged this one after lunch, and I came back late, so I missed watching this one too. However, one of the ladies said that the judge loved it and had nothing but praise for it.
Class 33 -- serged item of clothing, using serging as main construction method:
Jalie 2449.
First place! Finally I got to watch judging, and the judge liked how I used a twin needle for hemming, and that my serging was even on the spandex fabric. Someone else had entered a Jalie 2449 too.
Class 40 -- woman's two piece sport outfit: (
this skirt, and
this top.
First place! The judge (different one) liked the twin needle hemming, my even gathers and band, and the hong kong finish on the skirt waistband.
Class 54 -- purse: I decided to enter the In Town drawstring bag I made in February (second from the left
in this post).
Third place! The judge thought it was cute, thought it could be reversed, and her only criticism was that it could be a bit fussy to open and close.
I am glad I went to watch. The judges were very strict on finishing, and repeatedly talked about using correct needle size for your fabric. They also always checked to see if collar edges matched exactly, if center fronts were equal, and if pockets were equal. The judges explained really well why they placed each garment as they did, and also gave tips for improving. It was also really long, and after lunch they started judging the classes out of order, which got a bunch of people mad. It was also a bit sad to see so few entries in most of the categories. Four places are awarded in each class, and rarely were there more than even three entries (except for purses -- there were eight entered).
I drop off 2 jars of jam on the 28th, but I won't stay for judging. I'll have to wait until we go to the fair to find out how those do.