Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Menu Planning

This past fall, my two older boys joined Boy Scouts. As part of earning his Webelos Fitness badge, Caleb had to plan a week's worth of meals. That week was really nice, so we continued to plan meals together, a week at a time. Then the holidays came and went, and we got out of the habit. One of my personal goals for this next year is to get better at home management; I'm trying to get back in the habit of meal planning. Here is the plan for this week:

Monday -- we kinda were on our own. bad mama.
Tuesday -- quesadillas
Wednesday -- chicken noodle soup
Thursday -- spaghetti
Friday -- pork chops/mashed potatoes
Saturday -- fajitas
Sunday -- calzones

As you can see, I just write the main dish down. I figure out the side dishes as I go. I also take a look at the week's schedule of activities when planning the meals, so that I can take advantage of using the crock pot on a busy day, or plan a fast easy meal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love looking at your photos and your blog is fun. One of the things I do with my menu planning is keep it in spiral bound 'steno' type notebook. I write the main dish of the menu on one side of each page and the entire grocery list on the back. I then copy the grocery list, cross off things I don't need and head to the store. When the notebook is full - I can start using the preplanned menus over.